Cracking the Secret to Real Motivation
I’ve always hated motivational speaking. I honestly believe they tend to overdo it just a tad much. Like how every one of them created a business from scratch ( like seriously no capital, no family support, nothing, really ???)
Then there are the ones who tell you “you can do anything you set your mind to do.” ( like me becoming a size zero supermodel, have you seen me ???).
Most of it sounds like pie in the sky talking and they make me feel so inadequate, I hate it.
By the time I finish listening, I feel like I’ve wasted my whole life, and all I see are my imperfections versus “those who have made it.” So generally, I tend to avoid listening to any motivation of any sort, and my go-to attitude was “it’s not meant for me”.
A little while ago, something happened in my life that I had never expected could happen to me. I was so shattered, lost, broken, and hopeless I could do nothing but cry for days. Then after some introspection, I knew I needed to find a way out of the rut otherwise, I was going to kill myself with despair. A good friend of mine reminded me of who I was, how I had the mental capacity to rebuild my life, and that all hope was not lost. I guess that was the motivation I needed to start working towards getting out of this rut.
That got me thinking, not all motivation is wishy-washy pie in the sky, dare I say, nonsense. It just has to be packaged realistically. I know there are people reading this, who are probably going through the same or worse. That is why I have decided to share with you new found secret nugget for success; focus on your strengths for motivation.
My advice to you is to look deep inside yourself, write down a list of all your strengths, and map out how you can use all of them to start digging yourself out of the rut.
There is something inside of you that counts for something, believe in yourself. You might not be able to do anything you set your mind to do, but this you can do.
I know from where you are standing, it looks like there is no hope at all but believe you me, you have all the strength inside of you. you can do this.
I won’t lie, I haven’t figured it all out yet, but I have hope and faith that it will all work out and I trust that you can do it too. So here’s what you need to do, get a pen and paper and divide it in the middle, on the one side write strengths and on the other write way forward. The next step write down all your strengths, think about anything you are good at, things that you like, any compliments you have ever received, are you sociable, do you have a kind heart, are you good at math ( work with me here).
When you are done, start thinking of strategies to use your strengths. Like if you are sociable, you could try network marketing. It might not come to you immediately, but keep working on it. Instead of focusing your energy on crying put all your energy into mapping out plans and strategies.
I’m going to leave you to it, explore as many courses of action as you can, and stay motivated!